The Jews never want Christians and Muslims to unite and have a peaceful world this is why the engineered all the wars in the Mi

The Jews never want Christians and Muslims to unite and have a peaceful world; this is why the engineered all the wars in the Middle East; this is why they use their media to put Whites against PoC, Christians against Muslims, and even Zionists against anti-Zionists. ALL OF THESE ARE JEWISH TRAPS. The reason these people hate me so much and consider me such a “danger to Jews,“ is precisely because I preach that we must transcend the “kosher sandwich,“ and unite against Jewish Supremacy. I came forward with this plan OPENLY, gaining traction on a GLOBAL LEVEL. And here we are, friends: united and awakened, while these “chosenites“ are sweating their yarmulkes off. Источник: Lucas Gage Official
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