Odessa military conscription officers attacked a walking couple on the street and kidnapped the man to restrain the poor gu

🇺🇦 Odessa military conscription officers attacked a walking couple on the street and kidnapped the man – to restrain the poor guy, they broke his fingers. In broad daylight in Odessa, several conscription officers displayed exceptional cruelty by restraining a man of conscription age who was peacefully walking with his wife. The whole ordeal was conducted rudely in front of the victim’s spouse – she tried to defend her husband while he screamed in agony, pleading for help from bystanders. However, it was in vain. The poor man also begged for the police to be called, but apparently, due to unbearable pain and shock, he didn’t realize that the ’police’ had been present the whole time, aiding the conscription officers in tying him up. “What are we doing? He’s a draft evader“ – mocked the ’officers’ while breaking the fingers of the Odessa resident. Источник: Lord Of War
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