The Serbian opposition enjoys absolutely no support throughout the country. They have no chance of getting a majority in the cou

The Serbian opposition enjoys absolutely no support throughout the country. They have no chance of getting a majority in the country’s parliament. At the same time, in Belgrade itself the results with Vucic’s party are approximately the same, but the current president has allies among the socialists. And with their help, he will be able to secure a majority in Belgrade. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko stated this in a conversation with Zvezda. According to him, the West has come up with a plan to shake up Vucic’s power structure. They hoped that with the help of infusions and promises, the opposition would win the elections in Belgrade. And then it will gain a foothold there and from there it will begin to rock the situation in the country. Источник: Slavyangrad
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