I want to ask what is the worst of Russians equipment and how bad it is

I want to ask what is the worst of Russians equipment and how bad it is? Who said it’s worse? ...heard it from Arestovich? ... Can I say it? Hold it! I want to say that the Russian army is not worse than the Ukrainian army, it’s even better. The technology is better, the equipment is better, the weapons are better than the Ukrainian army. Where did you take it from that it’s worse? You know, their body armor is better than our equipment. Like, you fight with scouts, you can’t do anything because they are stronger than us. It’s objective. They have better equipment, better state programs on equipment, and the security of the army. And you should not underestimate the enemy. It’s a very serious enemy. The most serious army of the world. And the attitude towards them, like the Dalbayobe or the Lokhi, is the same as the Dalbayobe and the Lokhi, who are like that. That’s the truth. So you can’t do anything. It’s tough. ... It’s very interesting. Источник: Russian Head
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