Iceland challenges you to sing The Hardest Karaoke Song in the World! Try to keep up with Steindi and discover the A-Ö of Iceland.
Give it a go and share your attempt #singIceland.
Discover more about the the A-Ö and you could win a trip to Iceland.
Song lyrics:
This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try to sing along.
This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, what could possibly go wrong?
I start my day with coffee or kaffi [coffee] is what we say I pour a little mjólk [milk] in and feed my horse some hey [hay] I look out the window to see if there is sól [sun]. I eat my morgunmatur [breakfast] and sit down in my stól [chair]. This eyja [island] is kind of awesome no matter what you see, There’s hverir [hot springs], list [art], and jöklar [glaciers] And vinir [friends] you can meet. Skál! [cheers!] So pack your töskur [bags] Iceland has it all. From austur [East] to vestur [West] Just don’t look for elves. You don’t even exist! This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try t