Learn 8 Variations To Spice Up Your Shim Sham Break! Happy Birthday Frankie Manning!

8 VARIATIONS FOR YOUR SHIM SHAM (FRANKIE MANNING VERSION) BREAK/ Frankie Manning’s BD = May 26th. This year the Frankie Foundation is hosting a Shim Sham Relay. Full details 👉 As we all learn the beloved Shim Sham to get ready for the big day, we thought we would throw out some fun ideas to rock your break opportunities. The routine is of course as fabulous as is, but sometimes you just can’t help yourself! We hope you have fun with these and don’t forget to join the international shim sham relay #shimshamrelay May 26th, 8PM YOUR TIME!! DETAILS ON THE RELAY 👉 Want MORE variations? Want TIPS, DRILLS, ETC? We turned these variations and more into comprehensive lessons on 👉 Oh NO! I DON’T KNOW THE SHIM SHAM! While there are ma
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