It’s hard to convey the sound of two people in love, but Lowland Hum does that effortlessly. Daniel Levi Goans and Lauren Plank are now Daniel and Lauren Goans; they met a few years ago and spent much of their first married year on the road, singing together on small stages and at house concerts across the country. Daniel was a folksinger in North Carolina, while Lauren had aspirations to sing but mostly did it privately. She has a passion for making things with paper, and you’ll see that in the little black book of lyrics she hands out at shows.
This music is mostly unadorned and pure, with considerable attention to detail. Lauren’s voice sounds refreshing and simple, and Daniel’s passion shakes from his head and literally to his feet. They tour with a few homemade wooden platforms inlaid with small metal jingles — the kind you’d find on a tambourine — and that enhances Daniel’s stomp. Together, they have one album called Native Air, and they joyfully perform three songs from that record here. --BOB BOILEN