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SUBSCRIBE NOW: A penguin was spotted on camera hilarious sidestepping like a human away from a territorial duck. The King Penguin stood still for a couple of minutes nervously looking at the duck before appearing to casually look into the air and shuffle away sideways. Dutch traveler Brigitte Gijsman was snapping photos and video of the penguins at Volunteer Point in the Falklands when she captured the hilarious human-like moment. Brigitte, from Grathem, Netherlands, said: “I haven’t seen this kind of penguin behavior before. “I was surprised a penguin showed this ‘human’ behavior - there were more ducks on the beach but with this one, he stood motionless for quite some time before shuffling by. “It looked so funny. At first, I was just watching him and then I realized I had to film it.” The hilarious moment was filmd on July 1 2019. VideoID: TT-4386 Rights Cleared & Verified: 07/29/2019 ---- T&T Creative Media is a user generated video licensing company. We unearth, verify, package and deliver newsworthy clips to major news organizations and brands worldwide. To license this video clip for media or brand usage, contact licensing@
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