(117) Crochet Cord Tutorial | Simple, Fast, Easy - YouTube

A tutorial of how to crochet a simple cord or rope, fast and easy. The cords are great to use as bracelets, drawstrings, or straps. Blog post: In this tutorial, one side of the cord is knit-look, and the other side is not. But this is faster way to make a cord/rope. And the finished cord looks very nice and tidy. #crochetcord #crochetrope #crochetstrap #crochetdrawstring #crochetbracelet Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:19 First step: preparing the yarn 1:21 Start to crochet 3:45 Finish with a knot ♡━━━♡━━━♡━━━♡━━━♡━━━♡━━━♡━━━♡ Another easy crochet along project: Rose Flower Crochet Tutorial | Fast And Easy Crochet Along Heart Pillow Crochet Tutorial (big version) Heart C
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