Bboy Tsukki 2018-2019. Worlds best power mover kid?
Still in elementary school, these 5 minutes of power moves will show why many consider Bboy Tsukki to be the best kid power mover in the world. What do you think?
Featuring footage from Bebboy, Red Bull BC One and Full Throttle. All footage is exclusive to this site. For more videos and exclusives check us out on Instagram
6 months ago 00:12:57 2
Lil Amok, Bart, Tsukki, Lil G, and MORE / FINAL ROUND / CrashFest x IBE 2019
7 months ago 00:06:03 2
세계에서 가장 잘 도는 아이들 둘이 배틀에서 만나면 BBOY TSUKKI VS BBOY NANA