This Week in Volcano News; A Powerful Eruption from Shishaldin Occurs
In Alaska, a powerful volcanic eruption occurred at the Shishaldin volcano, sending a plume of ash to a height of 31,000 feet. Elsewhere, in Chile, magmatic uplift was detected at the volcano which produced the second largest explosive eruption of the 21st century. And, in Australia, a sinkhole formed in the vicinity of the Mount Gambier volcano, but was not volcanic in origin. This video will discuss these stories & list the 45 volcanoes which are actively erupting across the planet.
Thumbnail Photo Credit: Schaefer, J. R. G., Alaska Volcano Observatory / Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, This image was then overlaid by text, and then overlaid with GeologyHub made graphics (the image border and the GeologyHub logo).
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