Ibanez SRKP4 equipped with Korg® mini kaoss pad 2S
For more details:
Much in the vein of classic sports car ethos, the SRKP4 is sleek, yet simple. Muscular, yet agile. Turbo charged by the Mini Kaoss Pad 2s, this is the perfect vehicle for any level of aptitude, any style of playing, or any musical genre.
5 years ago 00:07:29 39
Ibanez RGKP6 / SRKP4 equipped with Korg® mini kaoss pad 2S
9 years ago 00:04:51 1
Hector Hellion demos the RGKP6 and SRKP4
10 years ago 00:03:36 36
ibanez srkp4 test 노아 Noah (배우고싶어요 패러디 원곡) wobble bass Hot hand kaoss pad mini2 by sang-jinn 윤상진