We had a bunch of successful Fallout 4 Survival perma-death streams so here’s a highlight of our modded attempts to get through the game untouched. it took us a few deaths but we managed to get a run going.
Mods installed -
Unofficial Fallout 4 patch
Armor Keywords
Large Bug mod
10Times Legendary spawns
Any Mod Any Weapon
Weapons of Fate
Watch runs live -
Hi. My name is ItsJabo and I speedrun games daily over
... at Twitch. The whole purpose of a speedrun is to playthrough a game as fast as you can, with a set of prerequisite rules. I enjoy speedrunning a variety of games and look to challenge myself in a huge amount of ways. It’s an alternative way of discovering what’s hidden and possible within the games you play, while also doing some pretty amazing tricks and glitches. Thanks for watching.
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#Speedrun #Fallout4 #modsShow more