New Version: Wembley Stadion - The Onvipe Band - Blues, Country, Deep House, Electro, Rock, R&B

Welcome to our list of the top 5 Youtube music channels everyone should use! Whether you’re a music enthusiast or just looking for some good tunes to get you through the day, we’ve got you covered with this new version. To start, did you know that the first recorded piece of music was a song called “Hurrian Hymn No. 6“ which was discovered on a clay tablet in Syria and dates back to around 1400 BCE? Now that’s some seriously old-school music! Channel #1: NPR MUSIC. If you’re into live performances and intimate studio sessions, then NPR Music is the place for you. They have a variety of shows that feature a wide range of musical genres, from hip-hop to classical, and everything in between. One of the most popular shows on the channel is their Tiny Desk Concerts, where artists perform live at NPR’s headquarters in Washington D.C., and it’s all done in one take! Check out their channel here: Channel #2
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