Some people may not agree with this (I know many do not like their beliefs to be questioned), But it’s something I believe in strongly.
A song I co-wrote. The idea was to try to depict the point of view of a cow, with no escape, and bound for slaughter.
The pictures might not exactly portray actual beef-cattle-life in the US. Most cows for food-consumption are raised on large overcrowded feed lots. But I thought the cute pastoral cows were more appealing to the eye.
Photo credits (in order of appearance):
Creative Commons
From Flickr users
Matt Bargar- “Calf“
mrwalker- “Les Petit Vache“
Kevan- “baby cow“
John Collier Jr.- “cow and calf on farm“
publicenergy- “a cow“
mistermaxal- “Super Size Me“
barbarella DM- “Dead Man“
abbyladybug- “Mini Moo“
Vocals and guitar: Me (A very rough take with the TV on, but I liked it, so used it)
Written by: John a