Riley, You Are Not A Lesbian - Not A Feminist Either

Riley J. Dennis flew into an indignant rage upon finding that his creepy video (trying to convince gays and lesbians to stop being gay and lesbian) got a lot of criticism from YouTube so he published a response on imgur dismissing his critics as a bunch of “transphobic“ “assholes“ (which is apparently much better than being a bigot): In this video, Magdalen Berns picks apart parts of Riley’s published statement and mocks his ’feminism’ at the publication ’Everyday Feminism’. Gay conversion therapy: Riley’s ’Everyday Feminism’: “Your dating “preferences“ are discriminatory“ by Riley J. Dennis: Magdalen Berns response to “Your dating preferences are discriminatory“: Help support this channel by liking, sharing, commenting and/or donating using the links below. Paypal: Patreon: Twitter: Facebook:
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