Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God? We will discuss whether Jesus is the son of God or whether Jesus ever told the people to worship him. Die Jesus Christ. Die on the cross for your sins. We will discuss the. Dis Jeues Die for you sind. We will Ducess the Jewish Passover commemoration of a holiday. We will discuss the Bible and the Quran. We will discuss God and Allah. This will be the best ducess for people who have questions about God; if you are looking at it during or after Ramadan, share this video. This is an interfaith discussion between a Muslim and a Jehovah’s Witness. This is a video that looks at two prespecified viewpoints. This video is meant to hear about different perspectives and views on two different Theologies. You have the right to decide on the Religion you want to follow. But do your research and study for yourself; I could mean the deciding factor of your soul going to Heaven or Hell. ........ Note: There is No Completion in Uslam ( No one can force you to become a Muslim) Infor
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