Linkin Park Ft. Taylor Swift - ONE MORE LIGHT

**Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do.....** Been a while since I did this kind of format, but at the same time I kinda saw it coming. Anyways on this Valentines Day as we nourish the people in the world in their relationships, celebrating their devotion to one another - there is a sigficant portion who are lonely, who didn’t have that kindling of sorts - not really wanting to be part of this. I understand where you’re coming from, and quite frankly its getting harder each and every day to find the one for you since there’s so many factors out there that makes it nearly impossible to get the one, especially since everyone expects a higher standard of qualifications of sorts in this modern age. With that being said, that doesn’t mean someone in the world is thinking about you in some aspect, even it looks vague on the outside. So with that being said, the idea of this came to me with the fact that I typically listen to Linkin Park on Valentines Day as a way to typically pass through the day as I recognize that I most likely won’t find the other since they expect a lot from me so I accepted being lonely and just moved on like it was nothing. However, a news article pulled up on my recommended feed on Microsoft Edge about the increasing rate of Suicide during Valentines Day due. I looked into this and was shocked.. **So if you’re feeling down and out, somehow coming across this video - just know that someone in the world is looking out for you and appreciate you for you ♥ ** **Disclaimer** The Taylor Swift AI model is created by AIVERSE #chesterbennington #mikeshinoda #taylorswift #ai #aicover #onemorelight #linkinpark
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