Ananda IV | Sri Chinmoy | Mantras with Lyrics | Spiritual Music | Meditation music
Ananda is a group of musicians based in the UK and Ireland. They have performed the music of Sri Chinmoy in many different locations including:
Lincoln Cathedral
Rydal Water, Lake District, (photos at Sri Chinmoy Centre)
Jacqueline du Pre Music Room, St Hilda’s College Oxford
London School of English
Kunstlerhaus, Vienna
Glasgow Mela
Hidden Gardens, Glasgow (link)
Members of Ananda include:
Suswara Payne, harmonium, vocals
Devashishu Torpy, vocals
Sahadeva Torpy, keyboard, vocals
Dave Hall, guitar, flute, vocals
Bahumanya Guy, bhodran, vocals
Garga Chamberlain, vocals, bouzouki
Karteek Clarke, vocals, violin
Further links
00:00 - Usha bala
05:10 - Gyani Hate
08:49 - Ah There He
13:52 - Utthare
18:37 - Akashe Amar
23:55 - Ki Sundaro
26:41 - Chaowa
31:11 - Sundaro
37:25 - Peace
#Ananda #SpiritualMusic #SriChinmoy
Sri Chinmoy, the composer of these wonderful and, above all, touching songs uses his native Bengali for most of his lyrics, as this language with its mantric and poetic beauty lends itself to spiritual music.
Sri Chinmoy describes the relationship between spirituality and music thus:
“When we listen to soulful music, or when we ourselves play soulful
music, immediately our inner existence climbs up high, higher, highest.
It climbs up and enters into something beyond.
This beyond is constantly trying to help us, guide us, mould us and shape us into
our true transcendental image, our true divinity. When we hear soulful
music, or when we play a piece of soulful music, we feel a kind of
inner thrill in our entire existence, from the soles of our feet to the
crown of our head. A river is flowing through us, a river of
consciousness, and this consciousness is all the time illumined.” “If we
can feel that it is not our voice, not our fingers, but some reality
deep inside our heart which is expressing itself, then we will know that
it is the soul’s music.”
“There is some music that is really destructive to our inner being. This music comes from the gross physical or lower vital. The spiritual person will immediately be affected by this music. But soulful and spiritual music really helps us; it feeds our inner life. Music has tremendous power. With fire we can burn ourselves, or we can cook and do many other good things. So it is with music. The divine music immediately elevates our consciousness. Undivine music immediately lowers our consciousness, and it tries to destroy our sincere inner cry for a better spiritual life. Undivine music tries to awaken our lower vital consciousness and throw us into a world of excitement.“ - Sri Chinmoy
“Start to think of a new life.
Your sincere mind
Will teach you how to start.
Your pure heart
Will continue for you.
Just start to think of a new life.“ - Sri Chinmoy
“Music is entertainment.
Music is enlightenment.
Music is the animal bark
Of man.
Music is the God-Song
And God-Dance for man.“ - Sri Chinmoy
“The mind-music is earth-ful.
The heart-music is soulful.
The soul-music is Godful.
The life-music is painful.“ - Sri Chinmoy
“My Lord, my Lord,
Give me a doubt-free mind!
My Lord, my Lord,
Give me a fear-free heart!
My Lord, my Lord,
Give me a worry-free life!“ - Sri Chinmoy
“I am happy because
My body is obedience.
I am happy because
My vital is confidence.
I am happy because
My mind is concentration.
I am happy because
My heart is dedication.
I am happy because
My soul is satisfaction.“ - Sri Chinmoy
1 view
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Ananda IV | Sri Chinmoy | Mantras with Lyrics | Spiritual Music | Meditation music
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