supernatural relationships | it’s not over

» 720p please, and look below. :) I adore this one! It’s so perfect & just ugh amazing. :D 1. Dean & Benny; SophieP94 2. Dean & Lisa; xXcrazymusicfanXx 3. John & Dean; rodeogal1992 4. Dean & Jo; ParalyzedxZombie 5. Dean & Castiel; ParalyzedxZombie 6. Castiel & Anna; InsanexSouls 7. Sam & Ruby 1.0; TheDelenaProductions 8. Sam, Bobby, & Dean; SophieP94 9. Castiel & Meg; HattiesHeart 10. Sam & Dean; blindingillusionsx 11. Dean, Sam & Adam; ParalyzedxZombie 12. C
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