FLY TYING: Tying a Topwater PIKE POPPER (Tie TV ft. Niklaus Bauer)
Using poppers or other topwater flies for pike might not always be the most effective technique, but we can all agree that there’s NOTHING like seing a pike, big or small, completely DESTROY the fly in the surface...
In this episode of Tie TV, Niklaus Bauer will tie his all-time favorite topwater pike fly. It has a Howitzer popper head which creates a lot of noise and attraction, but still the body and tail of the fly rides quite low in the water, which makes it easier for the pike to attack, and this fly will usually work even when regular poppers don’t.
GIVE AWAY! Do you have a good name suggestion for this fly? Write it in the comments and we’ll pick our favorite, and you will win the fly tied in this video (it’s pretty well-chewed, but it still works fine).