Polite English: Modals for Advice – SHOULD, MUST, HAVE TO…

Learn to use the modals ‘should’, ‘must’, and ‘have to’ to give and ask for advice in English. In English, it’s actually rare for us to use direct imperatives. It sounds impolite and aggressive. We use modals to soften our requests, suggestions, and commands. Watch this important lesson to learn exactly how to use modals for advice. We’ll also cover some expressions, such as “you shouldn’t have”. Visit my website, , for tutoring and more resources More of my lessons about polite English: Conversation Skills: How to agree or disagree in English Polite English Conversation: How to take feedback In this lesson: 00:00 – MODALS: should, must, mustn’t, have to, haven’t got to... – 01:07 ask for & give advice – should & shouldn’t have 02:50 “I think you should...“ 03:33 “you shouldn’t have...“ 03:58 strong advice – must/mustn’t 05:10 polite enthusiasm – must 05:49 do not do this – mustn’t 06:23 authority – have to 07:25 Negative Modals
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