World Travel Backpacking

Cleanest Village of Asia - Mawlynnong, Meghalaya. Mawlynnong is a village located in East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. Mawlynnong is known for its cleanliness. All the people of Mawlynnong work together to make the village the cleanest village in Asia. All the waste is collected in a dustbin made with bamboo. And all tobacco-related products are banned in the village. And not only this use of plastic is also banned in the village. It is a village with very high literacy rate with 90% of the population of the village are literate. Mawlynnong has pleasant weather all throughout the year. Nevertheless, It’s the best time to visit is in the monsoons. It is the rains that bring out the true character of this village and the bright green grass of its surroundings, thus painting a breathtaking picture. The festival times, which are the Behdienkalam in July, Wangala from September to December, and the vibrant Nongkrem Dance Festival in October or November, are also very good times to visit Mawlynnong Village.
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