Blood is thicker than milk. A film for the forgotten, by Ed Winters.
We made Milk so that we could show the reality of the dairy industry from the perspective of those trapped within it. We never stop to think about what these animals are being forced to endure, so by highlighting the story of an individual mother, we hope that people will recognise that there is always a victim when we buy dairy products.
What happens to the mother cow is what happens to all female dairy cows. We specifically chose to show the standard legal practices to illustrate how ingrained and normalised the suffering of dairy cows is within the dairy industry. The location of the farm and slaughterhouse are based on real locations that are considered high welfare and humane.
What we show in Milk is literally the best of the best when it comes to dairy farming, yet, as soon we view what happens from the perspective of the mother cow, it becomes clear that this is an indust
2 weeks ago 00:07:57 1
Торт три стакана без миксера! Без весов! Сочный без пропитки Я в шоке от Вкусного Десерта на кефире
3 weeks ago 00:08:02 1
Блинчики на молоке и минеральной воде - Тонкие и нежные | Thin pancakes with milk and mineral water