Golden Earring ~ Radar Love 1973 Extended Meow Mix

Every once in a while I like to rock out with some great memory from the 70’S and Golden Earring’s “Radar Love“ from 1973 fits the bill. The song did exceptionally well in the US peaking at #13 in the summer of 1973 and became a instant classic rock radio staple. Golden Earring started off in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 1961 as The Tornados but changed their name when they discovered a US band already had established a presence there. The new name was a tribute to “Golden Earrings“ a single released by Brit group The Hunters. Charter members were 13-year-old George Kooymans and his 15-year-old neighbor, Rinus Gerritse adding Frans Krassenburg on lead vocals and Jaap Eggermont on drums. Eggermont would later become famous as the producer of The Stars On 45 series of hit megamixes in the early 80’s. 1965 brought the band to the attention of the record buying public with their song “Please Go“ and then a second single “That Day“ went to #2 on
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