How to Make a beautiful Birthday Card | Quilling Flowers and Bumble Bees | Step by Step Tutorial

This video will show you how to make an easy and beautiful Birthday Card. ★ Easy to follow a step-by-step tutorial for beginners. ★ Items I used: 1. 210 grams textured paper or C 6 Card Paper (White Paper) 2. 210 grams textured paper (Grey paper) 3. Colour paper strips: White, Pink, Green, Yellow & Black. 4. PVA Glue & Double-sided foam tape or Adhesives 3D Double-sided foam squares 5. A die cutting machine or a pair of scissors or a cutting machine 6. Diamond stickers ★ Please SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of the new video :) Thank you for watching and have a WONDERFUL day :) #easycardsandcrafs #Quillingflowers #Quillingbumblebees #Quillingbirthdaycard
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