Harvesting Corn Fast Pace - John Deere S680 - 8430 - Brent 882 #harvestchaser

Farmer was filmed on October 25th in Lenawee county, Michigan. The top field speed when harvesting corn with a John Deere S680 combine will depend on several factors, including the conditions of the field, the corn yield, and the operator’s preference. However, the John Deere S680 combine is capable of achieving field speeds of up to 7-8 miles per hour (11-13 kilometers per hour) while harvesting corn. It is important to note that the combine’s speed should be adjusted to optimize performance and minimize crop loss. John Deere S680 • Flexible cab options • High-performance S-Series cleaning system reduces slope sensitivity • ProDrive™ propulsion system automatically shifts between two speed ranges as ground conditions change • 400-bu (14,100-L) S-Series grain tank
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