A Trip Down Market Street, 1906 - 4k, Colorized, 60fps

This is a recent scan of 35mm film held by Prelinger Archives, San Francisco and thought to be an original 1906 print. It was scanned by Adrianne Finelli at Internet Archive on October 11, 2018 using IA’s Lasergraphics ScanStation scanner set at 5120 x 3840 and scanned to 16fps. This full-width scan is 4096 x 3072 pixels wide and every second frame is doubled for a playback frame-rate of 24fps. Archives frequently make full-width scans to show information between the perforations that would normally be missing in a scan cropped to show only the picture area. Black printed-through perforations and other characteristics of the print may also be seen at certain points in the film. Additionally, this version has been upscaled and colorized by Youtube user Denis Shiryaev. His account, which does this to many other historic films, can be found here: This is the most complete version of the historic film, “A Trip Down Market Street,“ combining the best e
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