How to say Shoes in Mandarin?

♡♡♡Standard Chinese Language Learning♡♡♡ (Mandarin) (1.6) 服饰系列(十) 鞋 A:Zhè shuāng xié yǒudiǎn dà,kěbù kěyǐ bāng wǒ ná shuāng xiǎo yí hào de? A:这双鞋有点大,可不可以帮我拿双小一号的? A: This pair of shoes is a little bit too large. Could you please give me a smaller pair? B:Duìbùqǐ,zhè shuāng xiézi zhǐyǒu zhè yí gè hào le。 B:对不起,这双鞋子只有这一个号了。 B: Sorry. We only have this size for this pair of shoes.
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