The most beautiful Romanian electric toy train ever made - Muzeul Brandurilor

The Electric Aerodinam 1959 is the most beautiful Romanian electric train produced in Romania. made at “Bucuria Copiiilor“ Mechanized Toy Factory in Bucharest, The Electric Aerodinam 1959 reproduced on a scale a real train, the 750 model produced by Malaxa in the 40’s. The toy was made in two variant: small version 20cm long with with the railway made of 12 elements of brass sheet and pressed cardboard with 28mm gauge, and the large version (24cm long), and railway track consisting of 14 elements of brass sheet and plastic with 32mm gauge. In both variants, the locomotive had two bogies, one fixed that provided the propulsion and the other mobile. In one variant, the train was powered by the energy provided by the batteries in the station tower; in the other, the assembly was supplied from the socket by a transformer. indigenous manufacture. In 2021, this cool toy went through this presentation for the Romanian Museum of Brands Support us by accessing https://www.
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