Diggy Diggy Hole | 1 Hour CONTINUOUS PLAY

I do not own anything about this. The true credit goes to YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon for making the video and the song (sorry if i’m not crediting the true maker of this song). Link to vid: I first discovered this song through a discord bot Jan 2017. I forgot the names of all my music and just started searching random songs. Then “The Digging Song“ came into my search and next thing i knew, i liked this song. I then proceeded to see if there were any 1 hour loops of this song This link had the right idea. A 1 hour vid, lyrics, but it was missing one thing. And that was keeping the music flowing. Note: i did the best i could with editing. You might not even notice if playing in the background. Want to listen to it longer? Right click on the video player and check “Loop“.
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