I spent an entire summer to find these spirals #SoME1

This video was made for The Summer of Math Exposition. It’s about the spirograph and the math of the spirals it creates. Code: Attributions for images: “Spirograph“ by Alexei Kouprianov is licensed under CC BY 2.5 “Rose-rhodonea-curve“ by AnonMoos is in public domain “Guido Grandi” is in public domain “A Rose is a Rose…” by Peter M. Maurer is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 All music is licensed under Youtube Music Library License: “No.8 Requiem” by Esther Abrami “Brass Chorale” by Sir Cubworth “Rene’s Song” by Loopop “The Plan’s Working” by Cooper Cannel “Sprightly Pursuit” by Cooper Cannell “Allégro” by Emmit Fenn “ A New Beginning” by Esther Abrami
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