Stability inside the Taylor cone

Stability inside the Taylor cone Archana Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India Bal Krishan Mishra , Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India DOI: Many investigations have been carried out to investigate and characterize the electrospray and electrohydrodynamics atomization. The EHDA process comprises a Taylor cone, jet of a very small diameter and spray. A very few attempts have been made to look flow field inside the Taylor cone using numerical simulations. All these numerical simulations show a single common flow pattern which is axisymmetric to the nozzle by the past numerical investigation, experiments are carried out to obtain the real picture of the flow field inside the Taylor cone. The flow patterns are captured by suspending the glass spheres particle in working fluid and then the suspended particles are illuminated by Nd: YAG laser. The presente
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