Prague 1940s in color, Post-War [60fps,Remastered] w/sound design added

I colorized, restored and created a sound design for this video of Prague, Czechoslovakia 1946, We begin at Charles Bridge. Buildings and streets of the Petit Quartier. St. Vitus Cathedral. Scaffolding. Place de la Vieille Ville. Statue of the holy crucifix and calvary on the Charles Bridge, street scene in Pancrace other scene Probably a na porici. Video Restoration Process: ✔ FPS boosted to 60 frames per second ✔ Image resolution boosted up to HD ✔ Improved video sharpness and brightness ✔ Colorized only for the ambiance (not historically accurate) ✔sound design added only for the ambiance ✔restoration:(stabilisation,denoise,cleand,deblur) Please, be aware that colorization colors are not real and fake, colorization was made only for the ambiance and do not represent real historical data. B&W Video Source: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, gift of Julien Bryan Archive Join this channel to benefit from exc
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