mostly made to block any sinful encounters people find on the game itself
really saw the meme the first time and I put my other video on hold and said to myself “alr i’ve got to do this“ so here it is after 3 painful days
Music: The Only Thing I Know For Real
if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that I need to pay better attention to detail to the games themselves because there are so many comments pointing out so many different issues which is my own fault, except for Armstrong, no clue how to make his arm fade into black so it was forced to stay that way.
I have just about no scripting knowledge to make this into a game which I’d be more than happy to do honestly. Make it so you guys can use your own avatars and stuff.
The animation was made on Blender and map on Studio, I’m a noob with Blender unlike with Moon Animation Suite (studio plugin). The fact my blender animation is better than what I’ve made previously does mean to me that I do much better using that to animate than the ROBLOX plugin.