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Dual Target Track (DTT) radar mode allows you to designate a primary and secondary target that the radar will continue to update when within the gimbal limits of the radar. However, they do not need to be in the selected scan volume.
In this example, we will set our azimuth to 30-degrees and designate two targets by slewing the cursor over each and then pressing TMS Forward on the control stick to designate them. We can toggle priority and secondary between them by pressing TMS Right on the control stick.
If we designate a third target, it will become the new secondary target, the previous will no longer be one of the two DTT targets.
DTT allows you faster updates of these two targets and engage both at the same time with AIM-120s.
If either target range is 10-miles or less, only the two DTT targets will update. Once either is at 3-miles or less, it will become a Single Target Track automatically.
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