Ритик & Сонам ❥“I’ll never stop trying“ (“Я никогда не перестану пытаться“)
HD; to feel the love♡
Hello people,
i know, i’m like in a vidding marathon, but i have to do this before my exams are starting :’D
SOOO, next Crossover. I totally adore this couple. I first saw this combination on “BeniBanaBirak“’s Trailer “Me Against the Love“ ().
I was overhelmed. They would look so flawless together! So I thought of making my next crossover to this absolutely gorgeous people!
Hrithik is one of my alltime favorite actors. Sonam is my idol&inspiration. This c
4 months ago 00:03:33 1
Болливуд Эша Деол и Ритик Рошан “Ни ты не знаешь, ни я“