18 °F Feels Like 1 °F degree weather at the OC Ozark Community Center
Cold Weather Therapy in 18 °F degree weather at the OC Ozark Community Center
Afternoon Row - 5824 m = Miles Time 30m 00s - Time 30m 1s Cal 360
Heart Rate 137 bpm 164 bpm
Lunch Swim 1.0 mile in 29m 46s none Stop
Distance 1,777 yd - Time 29m 46s - Pace - 1:37 /100yd
#coldtherapy #wimhofmethod #fastingforhealth #meditation #coldexposure #coldtherapy #icecold #livelife #healthy #happy #iceicebaby #socold #warrior #icebath #biohacking #motivation #coldshower #cold #coldshowers #beastmode #coldshowerchallenge #iceman #breathe #icewatertherapy #coldwatertherapy #icebath #wimhofmethod #wimhofmethode #icebath #icebathing #iceswimming #coldtherapy #coldwaterchallenge #icebathchallenge
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