How God’s Judgment is Actually Good News for Us

Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - Judgment God has been so miss-aligned in our thinking. I was told that God punishes you for sin. That is so untrue. There has been so much judgmental preaching “It has been appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgment.” And they stop right there, and then they preach this message about, “You know, one day you are going to face that judge. One day you are going to stand before the great White throne, and you are going to give account for your sins. And if your sin out-weighs your goodness, or whatever, you are going to be cast out to perhaps be tortured eternally. When reading that verse in Hebrews, they stop to soon. This is what it says. “It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment, so Christ was offered to bear the sins of many.” Our judgment took place on Calvary. Every Christian denomination will teach that Jesus died for your sins. But they will turn right around and say, “But if you don’t s
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