Chuck Berry’s Greatest Guitar Solo

Sit back and enjoy Chuck Berry’s greatest guitar solo. Chuck Berry was certainly one of the greats of Rock and Roll. Are you aware that I also sing? I sing silly songs, parodies. You’ll love them and son will your friends. Please share this video. Who is Ron Greene? If you ask my friends to describe me, some will say, “He is a singer at our church. His wife Kay and their two children are all musicians.“ My friend Stanley, a retired GA Power accountant, advised a fellow employee who was concerned about the dullness of his upcoming Christmas party, “Invite Ron Greene, introduce him and turn him loose.“ His friend didn’t invite me; the party ended early from boredom. What was the response of my wife when asked by Mary, her roommate, “How was your date with that new guy, Ron Greene?“ “I’ve had more fun on a date than I’ve ever had in my life. Unlike many first dates, the evening never got dull or awkward. Ron was thoroughly entertaining. He had me laughing with his jokes. He sang and we discussed music.“ I love to brag on my wife. She has a Masters Degree in Piano Performance. While she’s no Jerry Lee Lewis, (LOL) she can play everything from Rachmaninoff to the Rolling Stones. What separates me from the rest of the herd is that I compose parodies, funny songs, end up being the punchlines to the jokes that I tell. According to Jeff Foxworthy, “Ron, you’re definitely in a class by yourself. No other comedian does this.“ The audience is completely taken by surprise, since the tunes are often recognized, yet the words end up being funny and totally unexpected. You’ll have to make the call as to whether I’m a comedic singer or a singing comedian. Regarding the material I use, I am an observational comic. I observe life and events, see the humor in them and share them with the audience. These are true stories and observations, involving real people and real events. I refuse to offer either G or R rated “audience specific” material. That’s compromising and disingenuous. While I do not advertise myself as a Christian Comedian, I am a person of faith who has provided entertainment for many church groups. Since 70% of the requests I receive are for R-rated material, I only send quotes to G-rated requests. I always respond to an R-rated request with, “I do not offer the performance style you have requested.“ That’s why I’m not as busy as many other comedians are. Then again, as Jeff Foxworthy told me, “Ron, with your ability to compose and perform parodies, you’re definitely in a class by yourself.” I also teach comedy. I never know for certain what the public expects to pay an entertainer. I have seen the quotes of fellow comedians running into the thousands of dollars per hour. I always base my quote on the distance to the venue and a performance time of at least 60 minutes. Let’s compare my fee to attending a movie. The last time Kay and I attended a movie, it cost $ just to get in. By the time we shared a medium size soft drink and a small bag of popcorn, we had to second mortgage our house. Yet, if you offered me $1,000, I could not name the last movie we attended. However, I’ve heard my jokes told around our community. Now multiply those figures by the number of attendees at your party and pretty soon you’re talking serious money! Since I am more into storytelling, with a punchline or a song thrown in, I do not bid on anything less than 60 minutes in length. I once had a request from Birmingham for a five minute performance! Obviously, they had unrealistic expectations. I advised them to download some jokes from the internet and have someone read them. Therefore, whether it be for a private party, church event, lodge, civic organization, or as a comedic MC, I can meet all of your comedic needs. Please contact me at (770) 548-9450 Email: greeneron49@ Be my friend on Facebook: Also, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and ring the bell for future notifications of videos. Give me a try, you will NOT be disappointed. Please share my videos with your friends.
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