HOT JAPAN Spectacle Video| La Pa Pa Pam × OKINAWA

HOT JAPAN Spectacle Video| La Pa Pa Pam × OKINAWA #HOTJAPAN #JO1 #沖縄 HOT JAPAN プロジェクト「HOT JAPAN Spectacle Video」第5弾の舞台は、 世界文化遺産である「首里城跡」&沖縄海岸国定公園の美しい岩礁地帯。 沖縄に伝わる琉球舞踊や琉球獅子舞とともに、JO1が「La Pa Pa Pam」を披露します。 今回のLa Pa Pa Pamは、HOT JAPAN特別アレンジでお届けします。 雄大な沖縄の景色や沖縄伝統文化と一体となったパワフルで特別なLa Pa Pa Pamのパフォーマンスをお楽しみください。 === The stage for the fifth installment of the “HOT JAPAN Spectacle Video“ is the World Heritage “Shurijo Castle Site“ & the beautiful rocky beaches of Okinawa Kaigan Quasi-National Park. Alongside traditional Ryukyu dance and Ryukyu lion dance passed down in Okinawa, JO1 will perform “La Pa Pa Pam.“ This time, “La Pa Pa Pam“ will be delivered in a special HOT JAPAN arrangement. Enjoy the powerful and special performance of “La Pa Pa Pam,“ integrated with the majestic scenery of Okinawa and its traditional culture. [HOT JAPAN PROJECT HP] [HOT JAPAN PROJECT X] === [JO1 OFFICIAL SNS] ▶︎​ ▶︎ ▶︎ ▶︎@jo1_gotothetop ▶︎ #JO1
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