Пожертвовала собой, что бы спасти ребенка || ViralHog

Occurred on February 16, 2022 / Valley Village, California, USA “My husband (Jimmy), my son (Gary), and I were eating dinner. My son spilled water on himself so he got out of his chair to take his shirt off. When he was climbing back up, his chair began to tip. My Mommy instincts kicked in and I reached to stop his chair from falling, just to have my chair slip under me causing ME to fall. Seeing that both my son and I are quite clumsy, my husband was unfazed by it all. Everyone in the video was fine. Ship-shape I should say.“ Contact licensing@ to license this or any ViralHog video. ViralHog is based in Bozeman, Montana, USA. Make money from your videos! Submit footage here: Subscribe, Like, or Follow ViralHog: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: @viralhog
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