Watch A Solo Performance By Bassist Mohini Dey

She started playing the bass guitar at three, and by the time Mohini Dey was 13, she had worked or performed with legends such as tabla maestro Zakir Hussain and composers AR Rahman and Amit Trivedi. She would go on to play at hundreds of gigs around the world. Dey, now 27, recently released her debut album, a self-titled work featuring Gino Banks, Simon Phillips, Guthrie Govan, Ron “The Bumblefoot” Thal and Rhythm Shaw. The daughter of popular session bassist Sujoy Dey, and Hindustani vocalist Romia Dey, the Mumbai-based artist is now preparing to take the album on the road, with a tour of Eu...rope and Japan planned next year. Here, a sampling of her work. #mohinidey #tabla #bas #zakirhussain #arrahman #amidtrivedi
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