Lightsaber Duel of Olympic Fencing Legend | Jedi Master KIM VS GU | Star Wars

A NEW DUEL The Force is strong with these two legendary fencer. KIM Jung hwan and GU Bongil, who won the gold medal in the fencing sabre match at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, are training for the next level of challenge. While the fencing federation of FRANCE has officially recognised lightsaber duelling as a competitive sports, Jedi Master GU is trying to persuade KIM to participate in the 2024 Paris Olympics by this ’Duel of the Fate’. Will the legendary Jedi master KIM Jung-hwan be able to continue his best performance in Paris in 2024? May the Force be with them! Please continue to support these two national fencing players of Korea and show a lot of love for Korean fencing. ► Subscribe for more :
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