Wellcome to my home spot

This last 3 weeks I was busy with something very important for me. Finally, I can introduce it to you. This is my new #backyard spot for practice BMX. It’s all begun much earlier than I started to billed it. Somewhere in 2006, when I just started to ride, I was just dreamed about it. And only after 12 years of riding I realized - I need it right now. I love my city. Kazan is a good small town that going to the right direction. But it goes too slow. Still, there are no any spots for riding (you can find asphalt any time anywhere you want, but in that case your tires will dead very fast and you know that). I’ve been riding on my local spots with granite surface in my town without any problems all that time. lot of event is going to happen in Kazan in 2017: Confederation cup and Football Championship in 2018. That’s why our city have to work a lot to complete the construction. Guards go into conflict, forbidding me to ride in public places. They watching TV to , terrorism
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