Lesa Listvy - Wastelands

Dark Steampunk ambient analogue moods by Lesa Listvy 👉Bandcamp: 👉Spotify: 👉Album Playlist: Lesa Listvy is back with their Second album on Cryo Chamber. An analogue heavy album with beautiful textures on warm subs. Behold, the sacred coding of the lapsed Planeteers. They have committed their knowledge to musical intonations, to semblances of intellect in aural constructs, to the language of drones. The Saviour god-ship surface-to-air vessel has been encoded with several encrypted editions of the Preservation Directive. The divine loops of the source materials undergo their perpetual gyrations on the reel-to-reel of their venerable sound bursts. The Covenant of Analogues propels its drone-scripts, the hieroglyphs of the perished few, from the proto-dwellers of the Maxime Cataclysmus. They are the principal invocations of the forgotten, the diagnostic prophecies of the regeneration of the civilised world. The proto-dwellers have projected their immaculate permutations of the sacred message through rifts in time. But it cannot exist without being received by a conscious entity. The Saviour is a voice in the darkness that says: “Absorb our codices. We are the remnants of a lost species. Until you receive us, we are nothing.“ Recommended for fans of Steam, Grit and Ghostly Ships flying through polluted skies ► Subscribe: Follow Cryo Chamber: ► Website: ► Bandcamp: ► Spotify: ► Facebook: ► Youtube: ► Twitter: ► Instagram:
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