Organ Grinder 6th Edition

Tell Grandma to shut the hell up, it’s time for Organ Grinder! We’ve scoured the globe to find 28 hellbent competitors to bring you the most excessively confrontational competition experience on the internet! Getting you knee-deep in the finest arena FPS spectating experience since the Antwerp 1920 Summer Olympics. Games played in order: QC:DE DOOMBRINGER Quake Champions Action Quake II Quake Live CTF Hosted by Jehar and GMT - Watch live at ​ Additional thanks to members of the team who contributed to the event; Jake The Voice, Koziol, Katliak, Uplink, Zach & Elegy An extra saucy special thanks to all of our casters for this event; OD, Jehar, Nayshun, GMT & klov3r Huge shoutout to our patreon supporters; Kristus, DarQBliss, TONES, Zitping & Angela Wilson None of this would of been possible without our announcer, the wonderful, the caring, the endless beacon of light and positivity that is BouvToTheMax. Music: KEYGEN CHURCH by Master Boot Record Permissions granted
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