Quake2 fragmovies: Asynchronic (2009)

Released: Created by Australian player - .cse Upscaled by David in 2021. ---------------------------------------------------------------- About: Quake2 frag highlights mini movie. Point-of-view: .cse ---------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Recently discovered Deadmau5’s ’Alone with you’ track (thanks to Xant/Patski) and I just had to make a short movie with it. Unfortunately the video does not do justice to this awesome tune! It was also a while since I released the last mini-movie and I had some reasonable frag demos lying around. As before, a rush job (~2days) to complete. Prototype in 1night, final version on the following night. Chose the name ’Asynchronic’ mainly coz it sounded else :) Perhaps it also decribes the somewhat aysnchronous feel to the frags and still look OK. Admittedly several frags are still synced to the music. Similar trend to previous mini-movies: no recams, minimal effects and simple intro/outro. Frag qualit
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