How To Tie a Incredible Japanese Knot, Guide by a Master Craftsman: Shinozaki Jun.

The Ancient Japanese Art of Knot Tying | Incredible Techniques of a Master Craftsman: Shinozaki Jun (篠崎順). #japaneseart #knot #mastercraftsman How To Tie an Incredible Japanese Knot, Guide by a Master Craftsman. In addition to the connection method that has been passed down for a long time, there are also many connection methods that Mr. Shinozaki has come up with himself. 6 Basic Way of Tying: 1. Tsuyu Musubi (つゆ結び) 2. Kiku-Tori Musubi (きく鳥結び) 3. Asa-Tome Musubi (朝止め結び) 4. Kano Musubi (叶結び) 5. O-Shime Musubi (お締め結び) 6. Shaka Musubi (釈迦結び) In Japan, there is a traditional and elaborate technique called “Hanamusubi”. They are the basic way of tying that the beauty of the flower tying line is utilized. Since the way of tying can be made according to the sea
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