SOUP WITH CAULIFLOWER AND PEAS. Bright, tasty, and aromatic - everyone will like this soup. I show and tell the recipe for making soup with cauliflower and peas. DESCRIPTION OF COOKING: I think it makes no sense to talk about the beneficial properties of cauliflower: everyone knows that it is much better than ordinary cabbage, especially in boiled form. You can use fresh or canned peas to make soup with cauliflower and peas. I advise you to add parsley and dill to the finished soup. You can also cook soup with chicken or beef - it will be hearty and nutritious. Cauliflower - 1 pc Potatoes — 2-3 pcs Onion - 1 pc Carrot - 1 pc Green peas - 100 grams Avocado oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoon Bay Leaf Greens, Spices - to taste Cauliflower appeared in our national cuisine not so long ago. During the times of Zaporizhia Sich, this vegetable was considered a delicacy and was available only to the rich. He was sent to the Hetman’s kitchen abroad and paid crazy money for it. The
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